Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the grace of your Lord, say, praised be he that created for us these things; we had not the power to create them. They also shall return before the Lord to be judged. The Infidels have divided God into many parts. Certainly he that saith that there are many Gods, is impious; hath he appointed you to say, that the Angels which he hath created are his daughters, seeing that he giveth you sonnes? When it is declared to some Infidels that a daughter is born to him, he is not satisfied, (he desireth to have a son) will they say that God adorneth himself, and taketh ornaments to beautifie him like their Idols? It is a manifest error they say, that the Angels that worship God, are the daughters of his divine Majesty; I will write what they say, and will require of them an accompt of their discourse at the day of Judgement. They have said, had it pleased God, we had not adored the Angels; They know not what they say, and ignorantly blaspheme: do they observe any Scripture that hath been taught them heretofore? On the contrary, they say that their fathers lived in like manner, and that they follow their steps; they have said as much to all the Prophets that were sent unto them. When thou spakest to them to observe what is contained in the Alcoran, and to abandon the Idols which their fathers worshipped, they answered, that they believed neither in thee, nor in thy mission; but we avenged our selves upon them; Consider what is the end of blasphemers; Remember thou, that Abraham said to his father, and his people, I am innocent of the sinne that you commit, in adoring Idols, I worship him alone that created me, he shall guide me into the way of Salvation, and hath left his words to posterity; perhaps the Infidels shall be converted. I deferred heretofore the punishment of Idolaters, untill they had learned the truth, and that a Prophet came to instruct them; When he preached unto them the truth, they said, that it is but witchcraft, and that they would give no faith to it. Had the Alcoran been sent to a man, * Master and Lord of two Cities, or Villages, they had esteemed and approved it. Would they dispose of the graces of God? He hath divided the riches of the
* Olid bin Maguirbe, and Aroua bin Mesroud, in whom the Arabians had confidence.
See Kitab el tenoir.