Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
that runneth upon the water, big as a mountain, is a token of his omnipotency, to them that persevere in his Law, and acknowledg his graces. He shall reprove the wicked for their sins, and shall pardon many: They that dispute against his Commandments, cannot escape their punishment; the riches that we possess are the riches of the earth; the riches that God bestoweth on them that trust in him, are eternal: They that depart from mortall sins, that repent to have committed them, that beg of God to be heard, and persevere in their supplications; they that take councel, and consult among them what they ought to do, that employ in good works part of the wealth that God hath given them, that implore his help in their afflictions; such as do good, and such as commit evil, shall be recompensed, and punished according to their works. God abhorreth Infidels; ye have no power over them that implore his assistance in their affliction, and repent; your power extendeth over them that do injustice to the people, and disobey on earth the Commandments of his divine Majesty; they shall suffer great torments. Such as persevere in well-doing, and pardon their neighbour, do what God hath Commanded. He whom God shall mislead, shall finde none to guide him. Thou shalt see that the Infidels shall ask if they may return into the world, when they shall behold the fire of hell; thou shalt see them flie with extream fear of external ignominy; they shall look awry upon hell, and the believers shall see that the wicked, that have lost their souls, that have mislead their family, and all the impious, shall be eternally damned, none shall be able to save them, and he that God shall mislead, shall not finde the right way. Say unto them, beg pardon of God before the day come, that ye shall finde no way to return into the world, nor excuse for your sins. If they disobey thee, we have not sent thee to be their Tutor; thou art sent only to preach unto them. When we give to man any prosperity, he rejoyceth, and when affliction befalleth him, he is ingrateful for the grace of his Lord, King of the heavens and earth. God giveth children, sons and daughrers to whom he pleaseth, he knoweth all things, and is omnipotent; he speaketh not to man but by inspiration, and parable,