Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Adore neither the Sun, nor the Moon, worship God that created them. If the Infidels resist the Faith, the Angels that are in Paradise desist not, notwithstanding, to exalt the glory of his divine Majesty, day and night, without intermission. It is a sign of his Omnipotency, to see the barren and dry Earth to change the face, and become green, when it is watered with rain. He that maketh the plants to revive, is he that maketh every thing to live and die, he is Omnipotent. Such as depart from our Commandments, cannot hide themselves from us: Shall he that shall be precipitated into Hell, be better lodged then he that shall be saved at the day of Judgment; Do what shall please you, your Lord beholdeth all your actions. I will chastise them that traduce the Alcoran, it is a precious Book, it is approved by the ancient and modern Scriptures, it is sent from the glorious and merciful. None other thing shall be spoken to thee, then what hath been spoken to the Prophets that preceded thee; thy Lord is merciful and just. Had we sent the Alcoran in the Persian tongue, to a Prophet, an Arabian by Nation, the wicked would have said, That the divine Mysteries are not well explained. Say unto them, It is the guide of Believers, and a remedy to their ignorance. Infidels have deaf ears, they are blinde, and hear not, as those that are called too far off: Certainly, we gave the Book and the Law to Moses. Unbelievers doubt, but if thy Lord had not said, That he would defer their punishment until the day of Judgment, he had already chastised them in this world, because they doubt of the truth. Whosoever shall do good, shall finde good; and the evil that a man committeth, shall be against him. Thy Lord doth no injustice to his Creatures: None but he knoweth the day of judgment; no fruit nor flower springeth out of the Earth, and woman neither conceiveth, nor bringeth forth, but by his permission. Be thou mindful of the day that thy Lord shall call Idolaters, and demand of them, where be their Idols? They shall say, Lord, we acknowledg thy Unity; none of us will hereafter adore those false gods. They that worshipped one God, departed from Idolaters; they know that the punishment of their sins is