Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall enjoy an infinite reward. Say unto them, How, will ye be wicked towards him that created the Earth in two days? how can you say that he hath a Companion equal to him? He is sole Lord of the Universe; he raised the Mountains, blessed the Earth, and gave to every Region the particulars thereof in four days, for them that shall have need: After this he ascended into Heaven, that was like unto smoke, and said unto Heaven and Earth, Ye shall obey me, either through force or affection: They answered, Lord, we will be obedient to thy Commandments. He created seven Heavens in two days, and disposed every Heaven after his own will; he adorned them with Stars, and preserveth them from the malice of the Devil. This is an effect of his Omnipotency; he is omnipotent, and knoweth all things. If the unbelievers depart from the Faith, say unto them, I have threatened you, as heretofore thunder did the people of Aad and Temod, when the Prophets taught them the Law of the ancient True-believers, to wit, To worship but one God: They said, Were it Gods pleasure to alter our Law, he would have sent us Angels to preach unto us; we will not beiieve in thy mission. The people of Aad waxed proud on the Earth without reason, and said, Who is more powerful then we? will they not consider, that he that created them, is more powerful and wealthy then they? Nevertheless they despised our Commandments. We sent against them a cold and impetuous wind, in an unhappy time, that made them to suffer on Earth shame and ignominy, because of their crimes: He shall cause them to feel the pains of Hell, that are much greater then those of the Earth, and they shall be eternally deprived of protection. We instructed the men of Temod in the right way; they preferred blindness to light, and impiety to Salvation; they were surprized by thunder, and suffered great afflictions, because of their sins. We saved none of them, but the believers, who had our fear before their eyes. Be thou mindful of the day that the enemies of God shall be assembled in Hell, they shall defend their cause before the Judg, until testimony be brought against them; their ears, their eyes, and their skin shall be witnesses of
Munday and Tuesday.
See Gelaldin.
Thursday and Friday.
See Gelaldin.