Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
covered you with the Heavens, he hath formed you, enriched you; he is your God, your Lord, blessed be God, Lord of the Universe, he it is that giveth and depriveth you of life, there is no God but he, be obedient to him, and observe his Law; Praised be God, Lord of the Universe, who hath created you of mire. Say unto the Infidels, I am forbidden to worship the Idols that ye adore; God hath taught me his unity, I have received command to worship none but the Lord of the Universe; he created you of dust, and mire, and congealed blood, he causeth you to be born little Infants, he maketh you to arrive to the age of discretion, to virilitie, and oldage; many dye before that age, and all attain to the time of their destiny; peradventure ye shall understand his unity; he it is that maketh you to live and to dye, and when he willeth any thing, he saith, be thou, and it is. See ye not, that they that dispute against his Commandments, depart from his Law? Such as reject our Commandments, and what we enjoyned our Prophets to preach to men, shall finde their errors, when they shall see chaines on their necks, and fetters on their feet; they shall be dragged and burned in Hell; then shall it be said unto them, where are those Idols that yee adored upon Earth? they shall answer, they are departed from us, certainly they are without power; thus God seduceth Infidels to their confusion. It shall be said unto them, these paines befall you, for that ye were proud and insolent without reason; enter within the gates of Hell, which is the habitation of the proud, ye shall dwell there eternally. Be patient and persevere, the word of God is infallible; I will make thee to see a part of what I have promised to men, I will cause thee to dye, and thou shalt behold them all assembled to be judged. Certainly we sent Prophets before thee, we have spoken to thee of one part of our Apostles, and the rest are concealed from thee; neither Prophet nor Apostles can preach any thing without Gods permission; he chastiseth the wicked when he pleaseth, he shall judge the differences that are between them and the Prophets, and shall destroy the unbelievers. God hath created the beasts for your use; Some ye