Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
be said to them at the day of Judgment, oh people of Pharaoh! goe, enter into the fire of Hell. The Infidels shall quarrell in Hell, the poor shall say unto the rich; We followed you, are ye able this day to deliver us from eternal flames? they shall answer, we all are damned with you, God is a most just Judg. The damned shall say to the Ministers of Hell, Pray to your Lord, that he may asswage these torments for one day; they shall answer, had ye not on Earth the Prophets and Apostles of God to instruct you? They shall say, yes; pray therefore to God your selves; the wicked love nothing but impiety; I will protect on Earth my Prophets, and them that observe my Law, and particularly at the day of Judgment; that day the wicked shall have no excuse that shall advantage them, my curse shall fall upon them, and they all shall be damned. We taught Moses the way of Salvation, and made the Children of Israel heirs of his instructions, to instruct them that shall understand them. Persevere and be patient, the promise of God is infallible; implore pardon of thy sinnes, and exalt the praise of thy Lord evening and morning. They that dispute against the Commandments of God are without reason, and have nought in their souls but pride and ignorance: Implore succor of God, he understandeth and seeth all things, the Creation of the Heavens, and of the Earth, is greater than the Creation of men, but the greatest part of men know it not; the blinde is not like to him that seeth clearly; he that doth good, is not like to him that doth evill, neither is obscurity such as the light, but few men consider it. Doubtless the day of Judgment shall come, nevertheless the greatest part of men will not believe it: Your Lord hath said, call upon me, I will hear you; Such as shall resist my Law, shall goe into Hell, and be eternally seduced. God hath created the night for repose, and the day for travell, he is bountifull towards his creatures, but the greatest part of the people are ingratefull; God is your Lord, Creator of all things, there is no God but he. How can the wicked blaspheme? So do they blaspheme that are ingratefull for the graces of God; he hath established you on Earth, he hath covered