Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the true Law, said, oh people! I fear lest ye be chastised, as have been your predecessors, as were the people of Noah, Aad, Temod, and those that were after them; God will not do injustice to men, I fear for you the day of Judgment, a day, when ye shall rise again with terror, to render accompt of your actions; he whom God shall seduce shall find none to guide him. Certainly Joseph came heretofore with instructions, clear and intelligible: nevertheless ye doubted, even untill his death, and said, that after him God shall not send a Prophet like unto him; thus doth God seduce the wicked, that doubt of his Law; he hateth such as dispute without reason, they are abhorred of them that believe in his divine Majesty; Thus God hardneth the heart of the proud, and tyrants. Pharaoh said to * Haman, build me an high Palace, peradventure I shall arrive at the Heavens, and as high as the God of Moses, I believe him to be a lyar. Thus Pharaoh delighted in his wicked actions, he erred from the right way, and his conspiracy was but his destruction. He of his family that was a True believer, said, oh people! follow me, I will guide you into the right way, the riches of the Earth pass away lightly, and the riches of Heaven are eternall; he that doth evill shall finde evill; who doth good, man or woman, believing in God, shall enter into Paradise, where he shall be enriched innumerably with all manner of riches. Wherefore invite you me to precipitate my self into the fire of Hell, since I exhort you to your Salvation? Ye invite me to be wicked, and to believe that God hath companions, and I know it is not so; I call you to the omnipotent and mercifull [God] doubtless I will not worship your Idols, they cannot hear you, either in this world, or in the other; we all shall be one day assembled before God, who will condemn Infidels to the fire of Hell; consider hereafter what to you I have preached; I am resigned to the will of God, he beholdeth all the actions of his creatures; he shall chastise them for the evill that they shall commit, and for their wicked designes. He sent his punishment upon the lineage of Pharaoh, they deserved to be precipitated into the fire of Hell, they shall burn evening and morning. It shall be
* Haman was Pharoahs Lieutenant Generall.
See Gelaldin.