Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
to hide himselfe from his divine Majesty. Who shall command that day? It shall be God alone, victorious; that day shall he recompence every one after his works without injustice, he is exact to make accompt. If thou preach to the wicked the day of Judgment, their heart will lift them up, and they shall be full of affliction, their prayers shall not be heard, and none shall intercede for them: God knoweth them that have eyes of treachery, and seeth all that is in the hearts of men, he judgeth of every thing with truth; the Idols which they worship are without power, God alone understandeth all things, and is omnipotent. Consider they not what was the end of their predecessors? who were more powerfull, and more wealthy then they? God surprised them in their sinnes, there was none of power to save them, for that they despised the Prophets of his divine Majesty, they contemned his Law, and were impious; but he severely chastised them, he is omnipotent, and most severe. We sent Moses with miracles, with reasons clear and intelligible to Pharaoh, to Haman, and Caron; they said that Moses was a Sorcerer, and a lyar; and when he preached to them the truth on our behalf, they said, kill him, with all those that believe him, and make their wives infamous; but their conspiracie was but impiety: Pharaoh said, hinder me not to kill Moses, let him invoke his God to save him; I fear that he may alter your Law, and introduce some disorder in the Land; Moses said, God, mine and your Lord, shall defend me from the malice of the proud, that believe not the day of Judgment: Then a man of the domestiques of Pharaoh, that secretly professed the true Law, said, will ye slay a man that declareth that God is his Lord? And that hath made you to see miracles? if he be a lyar, his lye shall be against him; but if he speak the truth, something of what he hath preached shall befall you. God guideth neither the wicked nor lyars. Oh people! you this day command on Earth with splendor; who shall defend us from the wrath of God, if it fall upon us? Pharaoh said, I speak nothing to you, but what I have told you heretofore, and I will guide you all into the right way; He of his Domestiques, that secretly professed the