Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
follow the instruction that God hath sent to you, before ye Be chastised, the punishment of your crimes shall surprise you, ye know not the time; the wicked shall be afflicted, for that they have not obeyed Gods Commandments, they shall know their damnation, and the sin that they have committed, in scorning the true-believers: They shall say, had God guided me into the right way, I had had his fear before mine eyes. When they shall see hell, they shall say, could I return into the world, I would be in the number of the righteous; on the contrary, my Commandments were taught you, but ye became proud, and despised them. Thou shalt see that day how the visages of Infidels shall be blackned: Is there not a place in hell prepared for the proud? God loveth, and putteth into a place of felicitie them that fear him, they shall not be touched, either with displeasure or affliction; God hath created all things, and disposeth all at his pleasure; he hath in his power the keyes of heaven and earth, such as disobey him are damned. Say unto them, oh ignorant [men] will ye enjoyn me to worship another god, besides God? It hath been preached to you, and your predecessors, that all your good works shall be unprofitable, if ye adore many gods, and that you shall be in the number of the damned: there is but one God, worship him, and be mindful of his graces. The Infidels have not praised God as he ought to be praised, they have no knowledg of his power, he shall make the earth to tremble, and gather together the heavens by the strength of his right hand at the day of Judgment; praised be God, he hath no companion. When the Trumpet shall sound the first time, he shall cause to die, whom he will have to die in the heavens and earth; the second time all the world shall rise again and attend his Commandments; the earth shall be full of the light of the Lord thereof; he shall bring his book, wherein shall be written what the Prophets and Martyrs have taught, he shall judge the world with equity, and shall not do injustice to any; every one shall be rewarded and chastised for his works, he knoweth all that they have done, he shall send the Infidels into the fire of hell, in troops; when they shall be arrived at the gate, it shall open before their eyes; it