Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
I will do as I understand him; ye shall know in the end, that whosoever shall be condemned, shall be ashamed, and be precipitated into eternall torments. We have sent unto thee the most true Book, to instruct the people; He that shall follow the right way, shall meet with nothing but good; and he that shall go astray, shall meet with nothing but evill; thou art not the guardian of the wicked; God causeth men to die when the hour of their death is arrived; he deferreth the death of many during their sleep, and remitteth that of others to the time appointed, this is a sign of his omnipotencie, to such as consider it. Will ye worship any but God? Say unto them, how shall your Idols be able to intercede for you, since they want power? Know you not this? Say unto them, we ought to invoke one God alone, King of the heaven and earth; you all shall one day be assembled before him to be judged. The Infidels tremble with fear, when they hear mention of one sole God, and rejoyce, when they hear speak of their Idols; Say unto them, God is Creator of the heavens and the earth, he knoweth the past, present, and future; (Lord!) thou shalt one day judge the differences of thy creatures: Should the Infidels possess all the riches of the earth, and yet as much more, they would not be able to escape the fire of hell at the day of Judgment; they shall be punished more grievously then they imagine, their sins shall be set before them, and they shall feel the rigors of the torments which they despise. Man calleth upon us when he is in affliction, and when we give him our grace, he saith, he meriteth it; on the contrary, this is to prove him, but most of them are ignorant of it; their predecessors spake as they; the good that they have done, hath profited them nothing: and the misery that they have merited, is faln upon them, they shall not escape the punishment of their crimes. Know they not that God giveth and taketh away wealth from whom pleaseth him? This is a sign of his omnipotency for the righteous. Say unto them, oh people! they who have offended God, ought not to despair of his grace, he is gracious and merciful; be ye converted, and recommend your selves to his will before ye be condemned, otherwise ye shall remain without protection; follow