Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
fear God, tremble when they hear mention of this book, and finde their rest in the word of his divine Majestie. This book is the guide of the righteous, God by it guideth whom pleaseth him. He whom God shall seduce, shall finde none to guide him, he shall be precipitated into the fire of hell at the day of Judgment. It shall be said that day to the wicked, taste the torments that ye have merited; their predecessors defamed the Prophets, and were punished when they least thought of it; God rendred them ignominious in this world, and they shall feel in the other, torments much more grievous, and they know it not. We have taught in this book what is necessary for the salvation of the people, peradventure they will learn it; it is in the Arabique tongue, without falshood and contradiction, perhaps the people will fly from impiety; God teacheth you a parable: Two men are associates in their traffique, the one is wicked, the other an honest man, are they alike? Praise is due to one sole God; the greatest part of the Infidels understand it not. Thou shalt die, all men shall die, and ye shall be assembled at the day of Judgment, when ye shall dispute together; Who is more unjust, then he that blasphemeth against God, and against the known truth? Shall not the wicked be damned? Such as shall believe the Prophet, and fly impiety, shall obtain from God what they desire; such is the recompense of the righteous, God shall pardon their sins, and reward them for their good works: doth not he protect his servant? They will terrifie thee with the Idols which they adore; but he whom God shall mislead, shall finde none able to guide him, and none shall be able to seduce him whom he shall guide; is not he the omnipotent and revenging? If thou ask of the Infidels, who created heaven and earth? they will say it is God; Say unto them, have ye therefore considered the Idols which ye adore, can they exempt you from the wrath of God, when it shall be his pleasure to chastise you? Shall they be able to hinder his grace, when it shall be his will to pardon you? Say unto them, my refuge is God, I am resigned to his Will, the wise trust in his divine Majesty. Say unto them, oh people! do as you understand him. I