Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Say unto him, thou shalt be awhile tollerated, in the end thou shalt be cast headlong into the fire of hell; and he that shall pray to God day and night, erect, prostrate, or on the knee, with fear of the torments of hell, shall enjoy the mercy of his divine Majesty. Are such as labour, to be compared to them that are idle? They that have judgment will understand this discourse. Say unto them oh ye people that believe in your Lord! have his fear before your eyes; such as shall do good works in this world, shall enjoy abundantly the riches of the earth, God will innumerably reward them that persevere in obedience to his Commandments. Say unto them, I am commanded to worship one God, to profess his Unity, and to be obedient to him. Say unto them, I apprehend the day of Judgment, if I disobey God my Lord. Say unto them, I will worship but one God; worship ye others, whom ye will. Such as shall despise the Law of God, shall lose their souls, and families, at the day of Judgment. These are two great losses, and most certain they be involved in eternall fire. Thus God preacheth to true-believers. O my creature! speak unto them that have my fear before their eyes, that they adore not Idols, and that if they turn to their Lord, they shall enjoy the delights of Paradise. Proclaim to them that hear my Word, and obey my Commandments, that they are in the right way, and well advised; canst thou deliver from the fire of hell him that shall be condemned? Certainly such as obey God, shall enjoy the pleasures of Paradise, wherein flow many rivers, and there shall they dwell eternally. This is the promise of God, he swerveth not from that which he promiseth. Seest thou not that God sendeth rain from heaven, and maketh the rivers to run upon the earth, he causeth plants to spring forth, and herbs of divers colours; thou seest them become yellow, and then altogether drie; this is a sign of his omnipotencie. Hath not he to whom God hath given the light of faith, received a great grace from his divine Majestie? Misery is upon them that have an heart hardned, and forget his Law; they are manifestly seduced; he hath sent an excellent book for the instruction of men, his precepts are alike in purity, and without contradiction: They that fear