Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
consider not that they shall be chastised, when the trumpet shall sound at the day of Judgment, and that they shall no more return on earth to be converted. They say in scorn, Lord give us to see the Book of the Accompt of our sins, before the day of Judgment. Persevere, and be patient, be not troubled at their discourse, and call to minde our servant David, stout and zealous in my Law; the Mountains and the Birds praised me with him; they assembled in his presence, and obeyed him; we gave force to his reign, and endued him with knowledg and eloquence. Hast thou learnt Davids quarrel, when they hindred him to enter into the Temple? and how he feared his enemies? When they entred towards him, they said unto him, Be not afraid, we have a dispute among us, judg our difference with equity, and teach us the right way. This man is my brother, he hath fourscore and nineteen sheep: I had but one, which he hath ravished from me, because he was stronger than I. David said, He hath done thee wrong, art thou troubled for one Ew? The greatest part of men arose against their neighbor, except such as believe in the Law of God, and observe his Commandments, which are few in number. Then David knew that we had tryed him, he implored pardon of his sin, he humbled himself, worshipped us, and was converted. We gave him pardon of his fault, we drew him near unto us, and lodged him in a place of content. I said unto him, O David! we have established thee on Earth, to determine the differences that shall arise among the people, follow not thine own appetite, it will seduce thee from the way of Salvation; such as shall erre from my Law, shall suffer grievous pains at the day of Judgment. We have not in vain created the Heaven, and the Earth, as the wicked affirm; misery shall befal them, they shall be cast headlong and burnt in the fire of Hell. Shall I alike entreat the believers, and unbelievers? the righteous and the wicked? This Book! We have sent it to thee, and blessed it, to the end the people may meditate the mysteries thereof; and the wise reap advantage for their salvation. We gave Solomon to our servant David, he was extreamly zealous in our service. Remember that horses,