Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
unto his throat; we said unto him, O Abraham! it is enough, thou hast satisfied thy dream; thus do I entreat the righteous, thus were we wont to prove them. We redeemed his son with a fair Ram; he shall be praised of posterity, and those that shall come after him, shall bless his memory. Thus do I reward the righteous, he was in the number of them that obey my Commandments. We declared to him that he should have a son called Isaac, from whom should issue many believers, and unbelievers. Certainly we gave our grace to Moses and Aaron; we delivered them with their followers from an evident peril, we protected them, and they were in the number of the victorious; we gave them the book full of light, and conducted them into the right way; they shall be praised in ages to come, and posterity shall bless their memory. Thus do I recompense the righteous, they were in the number of them that obeyed my Commandments: Elias is in the number of my Prophets and Apostles; he said unto the people, wherefore fear ye not God? wherefore worship ye the Idol Balan, and forsake the Creator of the world? God is your Lord, and the Lord of your predecessors; they traduced him, and were condemned to the fire of hell, except such among them as obeyed my Commandments. We left his memory happy to posterity; thus I reward the righteous; he was in the number of them that obeyed my Commandments. Lot was in the number of my Prophets and Apostles: Remember thou, how we delivered him and his family from evident perill, except his wife, who remained among them that were chastised; having saved him, we destroyed the wicked; they saw in the morning the footsteps of the ruine that befell them the night before; will ye not understand this miracle? Jonas was in the number of the Prophets. Remember thou, that he fled in a ship, and was the cause of evill to the Saylors, he was swallowed of a Whale; had he not repented of his fault, he should have continued in the belly of that fish until the day of Judgment; we cast him on the shore extremely feeble, we covered him with leaves of Filbert, and sent him to preach to more then an hundred thousand persons, that we reconverted, whose decease we deferred