Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
allies, orphans, and the poore: speake mildely unto the people, make your prayers at the time appointed, and pay your Tithes; nevertheless they were disobedient, except some very few among them. When we received the Commandments of God, and that we said, shed not your bloud, neither forsake your houses, you approved it, your selves are witnesses; Nevertheless you slew many, and constrained a great number to desert their habitation, you assisted each other in injustice, and impiety. If slaves have recourse to you, you shall redeeme them, their deliverance is appointed you: Doe you beleeve one part of the Scripture to abjure the other? The reward of any of you that shall do this thing, is ignominie in this world, and to be precipitated into the most grievous torments of Hell at the day of Judgment. God is not ignorant of your actions. Such as purchase the life of the world, to quit Paradise, shall not be eased in their miseries, and be utterly deprived of succours. Certainly, we gave the Law to Moses, and after him sent many Prophets; We inspired knowledge into Jesus the sonne of Mary, and strengthned him by the Holy Ghost, but you arose against the Prophets, that came contrary to your affections, you belyed one part, and slew another. The unbeleevers said, our heart is hardened; It is God that hath cursed them, by reason of their impietie, and few of them will beleeve the Commandements of his divine Majestie. When God hath sent them any Booke, confirming the Scriptures, which they before approved (viz. the Old Testament and the Gospel) they demanded succours when they met with the wicked, and being succoured, they either understood it not, or would not receive it. The curse of God is upon Infidels, especially upon them that have sold their souls, and through envie disobeyed his Commandments: He bestoweth his grace on whom he pleaseth, they are returned in the displeasure of his Divine Majestie, who hath prepared for them grievous torments, because of the enormitie of their crimes. When it was said to them, Beleeve in the Commandments of God; they said, Do we not believe in what hath been commanded us? Nevertheless, they have no faith in the truth which God hath sent, confirming the Prophecies, and
See Kitab el tenoir.