Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
conceived a very bad opinion of the Law of God; then were the True-believers tryed, they trembled with fear; The wicked, and such as were weak in their faith, said, that whatsoever God and his Prophet had promised them, was but abuse and vanity; Remember thou how a party of them said to the Inhabitants of the Territory of Medina, there is no safety for you with Mahomet, return into your houses; Remember thou how many among them required dismission, and said, that their houses were forsaken: Their houses were not forsaken, but they had a designe to flye; had they returned to their houses, they had on all sides perswaded them to follow impiety, they should not there have made long abode, because they before had promised God not to fly; he would have required an accompt of their promises: Say unto them, flight shall be to you unprofitable, if ye flie death, for that ye ought no longer to continue in the world: Say unto them, who is able to protect you against God when shall resolve to destroy you? take none other protector but him; he knoweth them that were disswaded to goe to the battell to spare their wealth and persons. They cast an eye upon thee, when they are surprised with fear, they turn their eyes into the head, as a man that dyeth, and when they are delivered from fear, they traduce thee because of their extreme avarice. Such men believe not in God, he rendreth all their works unfruitfull; it is a thing easie to his divine Majstey. The Troups of the Infidels believed they were invincible, and when they saw the troups of the True believers they desired to flye. The Infidels desired to draw the Arabians to their party, and have intelligence to know in what condition you are; had they been of your party, few of them had been slain; the adhering to the Prophet of God serveth to you as a Cittadel, it serveth as a Bulwark to them that apprehend the day of Judgment, and think often on his divine Majesty. When the believers said, behold! What God and his Prophet promised us, they are sincere in their promises; the sight of their enemies encreased their faith and zeal towards God and his Prophet. There be persons among the