Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
have remained there the time appointed in the Book of God, to wit, untill the Day of Resurrection; behold the day of Resurrection! ye knew not at what time it should arrive; this day excuses shall be unprofitable to Infidels, they shall be deprived of protection. We have taught in the Alcoran all that is profitable for the Salvation of Men; if thou teachest them my Commandments, unbelievers will say, thou bringest nothing but disorder; thus God hardneth the hearts of the ignorant. Be patient, and persevere; what God promiseth is infallible; beware lest unbelievers shake thy perseverance.
The Chapter of Locman, containing thirty four Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious & merciful: I am the most wise God. These precepts are the precepts of the book filled with doctrine, it guideth into the way of salvation; the righteous who make their prayers at the time appointed, that pay tithes, and believe in the day of Judgment, they are guided by their Lord, and shall be blessed. There be who deride this Book, they ignorantly depart from the Law of God, and have despised it, but shall one day be severely punished: When they are taught the Commandments of God, they turn the back with disdain, they will not hear, and have ears stopped; Say unto them, you shall in the end suffer infinite pains: Such as believe in the Law of God, and do good works, shall eternally enjoy the delights of Paradise; what God promiseth, is infallible, he is Omnipotent, and altogether wise, he created the heaven, and sustaineth it without a pillar, appearing to your eyes; he lifted up the mountains upon the earth, to fasten and hinder it to move; he hath thereon dispersed many beasts, and sent rain from heaven, which causeth plants to spring forth, and herbs of divers sorts. Behold [here] what God hath created! shew me what your Idols have created; assuredly Idolaters are manifestly seduced from the right way. We inspired knowledg into Locman, and spake unto him to give God thanks;
The Turks say, that Locman was a great Doctor in Davids time.