Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
can your Idols do as much? Praised be God, he hath no companion; disorder appeared in the earth, and in the sea, because of the iniquities of men; peradventure they will be converted, when they shall feel the punishment of their crimes: Say unto them, go throughout the earth, and consider the end of your predecessors, the greatest part of them were Idolaters; embrace the true Law before the day cometh, when none shall be heard; that day shall the wicked be separated from the good, the impious shall give an accompt of their impiety, and such as shall have lived well, shall enjoy the joyes of Paradise, the grace of God shall be their recompence, God abhorreth Infidels. It is a sign of his Omnipotency, to send the winds to bring you rain, and make you to taste the fruits of his grace; the ship runneth upon the water through his permission, for the advantage of your commerce; will ye not be thankful to him for his benefits? We sent to every Nation Prophets and Apostles before thee, they came with most intelligible precepts, and with many miracles; we chastised those that slandred them, and protected the faithful. God sendeth the winds that elevate the clouds, and extendeth them in the air in many pieces at his pleasure; he causeth the rain to fall where he listeth, and rejoyceth whom to him seemeth good of them that expect it with impatience; consider the effects of his bounty; he causeth the dry and barren earth to flourish again, and restoreth the dead to life, he is Omnipotent. We sent the Winds to assemble the clouds that covered men with their shaddow, nevertheless they are returned to their impiety; the dead shall not understand thee, neither likewise the dumbe, thou art not obliged to lead the blinde, none shall hearken to thee but such as shall believe in my Law, and be obedient: Say unto them, God created you impotent, he hath given you strength, and after, having reduced you to the weakness of old age, doth what to him seemeth good; he knoweth mens secrets, and doth what pleaseth him; the wicked shall swear at the day of Judgment, that they have remained but an hour in their sepulchres; they lye in like manner, when they deny the Resurrection; the true believers, that know the truth, shall say unto them, ye have