Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
again to flourish, are signs of his Omnipotency; It is a token of his Omnipotency to sustain the heaven, and the earth; ye shall come out of your sepulchers when he shall call you, whatsoever is in heaven and earth obey him; he causeth men to die, and to rise again, he alone is God in heaven and earth, he is Omnipotent, and knoweth all things. He speaketh to you in a parable, drawn from your selves; your slaves, are they your companions? do they equally partake with you in the goods which God hath given you? How then will ye say that God hath a companion equal to him? Thus do I unfold his mysteries to persons that have knowledg to comprehend them; certainly the wicked have followed their appetites with ignorance; who shall guide him whom God shall cause to err? he shall finde no protector; embrace the law of Salvation, God hath established it, that men may observe it; It admitteth no alteration but the greatest part of the world are ignorant of it: Fear God, make your prayers at the time appointed; be not like to them that say, God hath a companion; neither like to them that are at present in the number of Heretiques, and were before as ye are; every Sect is pleased in its opinions, when any evill befalleth them that call upon God, and are converted; nevertheless some of them return to their Idolatry; after the reception of his grace, they are ingrateful. They shall awhile be tolerated, and in the end they shall, too late, understand their error: Have we taught them reasons and arguments, that prove that I have a companion? The people rejoyced when we enlarged to them our graces; and became desperate, when evill befel them; see they not that I give, and take away wealth, as to me seemeth good? This is a token of my Unity to such as obey my Commandments. Give to your neighbour what appertaineth to him, and particularly to the poor, and true believers, if ye desire to see the face of God; such as shall do it, shall be blessed. The money which ye put to Usury, encreaseth in the hands of men, God shall not suffer it to prosper; the alms which ye give, shall make you to see the face of his divine Majesty, and shall be doubly restored to you. God hath created you, he enricheth you, and causeth you to die and rise again, can