Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
in the victory that God shall give them; he protecteth whom to him seemeth good; he is omnipotent and merciful. He hath promised them victory, and departeth not from his promises; of which the greatest part of men are ignorant; they affect the life of this world, and consider not their end: Will they not consider that God hath created the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them? and hath appointed to every thing a limited and prefixed time? Certainly the greatest part of the people believe not in the Resurrection: Will they not consider the end of their predecessors; who were more powerfull and wealthy then they? God hath sent to all an Apostle to teach them his Law, he hath done to them no injustice, they have drawn mischief on themselves through their iniquity; the end of the wicked shall be like to their works, they despise the Commandments of God, and deride them, but God shall cause them to die, and rise again, and all shall be assembled before him at the day of Judgment; that day shall they be desperate, their Idols shall not intercede for them, they shall forsake them, and they shall be separated from the true-believers. Such as believe in God, and do good works, shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and the wicked shall be chastised according to their demerits. Praise God, pray unto him evening and morning, praise is due to him in heaven and earth; pray unto him before the Sun set, and at the hour of noon; he maketh the dead to come out of the living, and the living out of the dead; he causeth the barren earth to revive, and grow green after its death; in like manner will he cause you to arise again, and come out of your sepulchres: it is a sign of his Omnipotency, to have created you of earth, to have given you flesh and bones, and to have created the woman (of the rib of the man) to dwell with him; he hath commanded you to love mutually, and to exercise charity among you, these things are signs of his Omnipotency to them that consider his graces. The creation of heaven and earth, the diversity of tongues, the differences of your visages, and of your colour, the night created for repose, and the day for travell, the lightning that terrifieth the people, and which through rain causeth the earth again