Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
it is a sign of his Omnipotency to True-believers. Instruct them in the Book that is inspired into thee; make thy prayers at the time appointed, prayers divert men from sin; to be mindful of God is the best work thou canst perform, he knoweth all the actions of men. Dispute with mildness against them that have knowledg of the written Law; except against the wicked that are among them. Say unto them, We believe in what hath been taught you, and in what hath been taught us: Your God, and our God is one God; we are resigned to his divine will. We have sent thee the Alcoran, as we sent to them the Old Testament: Such as understand the Old Testament, believe in the Truth of the Alcoran. Thou hast not written it with thine own hand; hadst thou written it, thou hadst caused them to doubt, who desire to make it void: Certainly it containeth, and teacheth intelligibly the Commandments of the Law; none but Infidels reject it. They have said, We will not believe in this Book, unless God work in it some miracle. Say unto them, Miracles proceed from God, I am sent only to preach the torments of Hell. Is it not sufficient, that we have sent thee the Alcoran to instruct them? It containeth the effects of my mercy and precepts, necessary for their salvation. Say unto them, it sufficeth that God is witness of mine actions, betwixt you and me; he knoweth whatsoever is in Heaven, and in Earth: They that believe in Idols, and have not faith in God, are damned. They urge thee to make them see the punishment of their crimes; if the time were come, they should soon feel it; they shall rescent it, when they least think of it, but they know it not; they shall press thee to make them see it. Say unto them, Hell is prepared for Infidels. When they shall be plunged in torments over their heads, and under their feet, it shall be said unto them, Taste the punishment which ye have deserved. O ye people that believe! The Earth is sufficiently large and spacious for you, to separate your selves from the wicked; worship me alone, all Creatures shall die, and be assembled before me to be judged. The Truebelievers that shall have done good works, shall inhabit Paradise, wherein flow many rivers; wherein is the reward of the righteous,