Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
judgments of God, if what thou speakest be true. Then he said, Lord protect me against unbelievers. When our Messengers came towards Abraham, to declare to him that he should have children; they said unto him, We will ruine Lots City, and destroy all the inhabitants thereof, because they are impious. Abraham answered, Lot dwelleth in that City; they said, We know all that is within it, and we will preserve him, with all his family, except his wife, she shall be in the number of them that shall be punished. When our Messengers arrived at Lots house, he was troubled, in that he had not strength sufficient to defend them from the malice of the people; they said unto him, Fear nothing, neither afflict thy self. We will preserve thee and all thy family, except thy wife; she shall abide among them that shall be destroyed; we will cause the indignation of God to fall upon this City, because of their impiety; it shall serve for example to posterity, We sent Chaib to his brethren, the inhabitants of Madian; he said unto them, Worship one God, fear the day of Judgment, and defile not the Earth. They impudently traduced him, but were surprized by an Earthquake, and remained dead in their houses, as carkases. We destroyed Aad, and Temod, their ruine is yet apparent in the places of their habitations; the Devil tempted and seduced them from the right way, notwithstanding they knew their error. We destroyed Caron, Pharoah, and Haman; Moses preached to them my Commandments; they contemned them, and became proud in the Earth, but escaped not the punishment of their crimes. We chastised some by an impetuous wind, and others were surprized by thunder; we deprived them of their riches, and they were drowned. God was not unjust towards them, they drew mischief on themselves through their impiety. They that worship Idols are like to the Spider; she buildeth her house of her cob-web that cannot defend from heat or cold. They would not adore Idols, did they understand what they do; God seeth what they worship, he is omnipotent and wise. I teach the people these parables, and none but the wise understand them. Truly God created Heaven and Earth, it