Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
substance which God hath given thee, be not disobedient to him on Earth, he abhorreth those that disobey him; these riches were given thee, because thou didst instruct the people in the Old Testament; knowest thou not that God destroyed in times past many rich and opulent persons? Who is more strong, more powerfull, more rich than God? He will not enquire of the wicked the number of their sinnes, he knoweth all, and the accompt. Caron one day went forth in publique, with all his retinue; they that affected the wealth of this world, said, Would to God we had as much wealth as Caron; he is happy! but the more knowing among them said, ye are unhappy, the grace of God is more advantageous to them that believe in his Law, and do good works, then all the treasures of Caron; none shall receive his grace but such as shall obey him, and persevere in obedience to his Commandments. We deprived Caron of all his treasures, and none was able to protect him against us; then they that had coveted his riches, said, oh miracle! God giveth to, and depriveth of wealth whom to him seemeth good; Had not God given us his grace, we had been necessitous; certainly the wicked shall be miserable; I will bestow Paradise on them that hate vanity and disorder upon the Earth, and shall have my fear before their eyes; whosoever shall do good, shall finde good; who doth evill shall be chastised after his demerits. He that hath taught thee the Alcoran, shall cause thee to return to the * place that thou desirest: Tell the Inhabitants of that place; that God knoweth them that teach the right way, and such as goe astray. Thou didst not expect the Alcoran, it is a speciall grace of thy Lord; assist not the Infidels, and take heed lest they seduce thee, after having learnt what hath been taught thee; Preach to the people the unity of God, Be not in the number of them that believe many Deities, adore God alone, there is no God but he; all things shall have an end, except his face, he commandeth over every thing, and all men shall one day appear before him to be judged.
* Mecca.
See Gelaldin.