Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
thy Lord shall call them, and say unto them, where are your Idols, which ye believed to be my Companions? the chief of them shall say, Lord, behold those that were seduced like us, we are innocent of their Idolatry, they adored not us; they shall speak that day to the Idolaters to invoke their Idols, but they shall not hear them, they shall be visibly chastised on Earth: Be thou mindfull of the day when thy Lord shall call them, and say unto them, wherefore have ye not believed my Apostles and my Prophets? they shall be confounded, and remain dumb. He that shall be converted, and do good works, shall be happy. Thy Lord createth what pleaseth him, and maketh choice of what seemeth to him good. Praised be God, he hath no companion, he knoweth what is in the hearts of men, and what they make manifest; he is God, there is no God but he, prayse is due to him in the beginning, and in the end, he commandeth over all things, and all people shall one day be assembled before him to be judged; say unto them, Had God given a continuall night, even untill the day of Judgment, what other God is there that is able to give you light? will ye not hear me? Had God given you a continuall day until the day of Judgment, what other God could have given the night to refresh you? will ye not consider his benefits and his grace? he hath created the night for repose, and the day for labour, peradventure ye will give him thanks. Be thou mindfull of the day, when thy Lord shall call the Infidels, and shall say unto them, where are the Idols that ye worshipped? We will call a witness of every Nation, and will say to the Idolaters, Bring your arguments that may prove the plurality of Gods; Ye shall this day know your blasphemies, and that there is but one God. Caron was of the people of Moses, he was proud, because of his riches; we gave him so great treasures, that many men were burthened when they conveyed away the Keyes. Remember how his people said unto him, Rejoyce not above measure in thy great wealth, God abhorreth them that rejoyce without reason; Beg of him Paradise; with thy riches forget not to do good in this world, give almes of the substance