Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
him to see my miracles, and preached my Commandments to his Ministers; they said, this is but magick and witchcraft, we have not heard these things to have been spoken to our predecessors. Moses said, the Lord knoweth him that teacheth the right way, and him that ought to have part in Paradise, Infidels shall be most miserable. Pharoah said to his Ministers, do ye know any other God but me? O Haman! let me offer sacrifices, and build a Temple; shall I deceive my self with the God of Moses? I believe him to be in the number of lyars. He became proud on earth, with his Ministers, and they believed that they should never be assembled before me to be judged: we surprized him with his people and caused him to perish in The Sea; consider what is the end of unbelievers; we abandoned them, and they are in the number of the condemned to the fire of hell. They shall finde none to protect them at the day of Judgment; we cursed them on earth, and at the day of the Resurrection they shall be abominable to all the world. We taught Moses our Commandments, after the destruction of many Infidels before his coming. We gave him the Book, to be a light to the people, to conduct them into the right way, and acquire our grace, peradventure they will remember. Thou wert not with Moses when we spake to him; we created another age after him, thou didst not at that time dwell with the Inhabitants of Madian, neither didst thou teach them our Commandments; it is we that have instructed thee in the History of past ages; thou wert not on the mountain when we spake to Moses; we sent thee through our special grace, to preach to men the torments of hell; they have not yet had a preacher like unto thee, perhaps they will consider it; when they felt any punishment for their sins, they said, Lord, hadst thou sent us an Apostle to instruct us, we should have obeyed thy Commandments, and have believed in thy Law: and when on our part they were instructed in the Truth, they said, doth Mahomet work miracles like Moses? Do they not traduce what Moses did, when they say, that Moses and Mahomet are two apparent Sorcerers? and when they said that they believed neither Prophet, nor Scripture? Say unto them, bring any book