Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
confer on me; I am now poor and necessitous. One of those maidens came to seek him, and bashfully said unto him, my father calleth thee, to recompence thee for the pains thou hast taken in watering our cattell; When he was in the old mans presence, he related what had befaln him. The old man said, fear nothing, I will deliver thee from the hands of the wicked; one of his daughters said to her sister, give to this man to eate, and reward his pains, he assisted us with affection; their father said unto him, I will marry thee to one of my two daughters, on condition, that thou wilt have a care of my flocks the space of eight years; ten years if it please thee, said Moses; I will not forsake thee, thou shalt finde me an honest man, I will serve thee the two termes, either eight or ten years, as shall seem good to thee, God is witness of what I say. After the terme expired, Moses forsook the house of his father in law; withdrawing with his wife, he beheld afar off a great fire on the side of the mountain, and said to his wife, tarry here, I see the fire of the Omnipotent, I will speedily return, I will bring you a spark, peradventure you shall be warmed: when he drew near to this fire, they cried unto him from the right side of the valley, from an eminent place, and from a bush, O Moses! I am God, Lord of the Universe, cast thy staffe on the ground; when he beheld his staffe to move, as it had been alive, he fled for fear, and returned no more: O Moses! draw near, and fear not, thou art in a place of safety, put thine hand into thy pocket, it shall come out white and shining, without harm; draw back thine arm into thy sleeve, it shall return to its former condition; thy staffe and thine hand shall be two signs of my Omnipotency to Pharoah and his Ministers, who disobey my Commandments; Moses said, Lord, I have slain an Egyptian, I am afraid they will take away my life, command Aaron, who is eloquent, to go with me, to aid me, and to confirm what I shall say, I fear they will traduce me; I will give thee thy brother for thine assistant, I will give to you both strength to defend your selves from their malice; go, do what is commanded you, ye shall be victorious, and all those that shall follow you: when Moses came to Pharoah, he made him