Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
said to Pharoahs servant, will ye that I provide you a nurse, and people that shall carefully nourish him? We caused him to be restored to his mother, to nurse him; she ceased from her sadness, when she knew, and saw that God was sincere in what he had promised, but the greatest part of the people know it not. When Moses was aged, about thirty three years, we gave him knowledg and wisdom; thus do I reward the righteous; Moses entring one day into the City, met two men that fought; the one was of the Children of Israel, and the other was an Egyptian, and of his enemies, whom he assaulted and slew; after this he said the Devill tempted me, he is the open enemy of men; Lord, I have offended thee, pardon me; he pardoned him, he is gracious and mercifull; Lord, since thou hast been so gracious to me, I will never give aid or succour to Infidels. He contined in the City with fear, and kept himself upon his guard; on the morrow he again met him, whom the day before he had defended, who fought likewise with another Egyptian, and required his assistance; Moses said unto him, thou art seditious; he replyed, oh Moses! wilt thou slay me, as thou didst slay him yesterday? Wilt thou be a murtherer of all men, or a just man? Not long after a man came [in hast] to him from the utmost part of the City, who said unto him, oh Moses! The Officers of Pharoah have conspired against thee, they desire to put thee to death, save thy selfe, and follow my counsell; He departed from the City with fear, keeping himselfe upon his guard, beseeching his Lord to deliver him from the hands of Infidels; he went towards Madian, and said, Lord suffer me not to follow an evill way; He met a great number of persons that made their flocks to drink, he with them found two maids that could not water their Cattell, he said unto them, what do ye two do here? We have not strength to draw water to give our beasts to drink, we tarry for the Shepherd, our father is too old to draw [it.] He drew water out of the well to water their Cattell, and withdrew to a shade, because of the heat of the Sunne, saying, Lord, I am deprived of all the graces which heretofore thou didst confer