Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Alcoran, and be obedient, when the time of the punishment that is denounced against them shall be come; we will cause a Beast to come from under the Earth, that shall speak unto them, and shall say, The people believe not in the Law of God, they know not his wondrous works. Be thou mindfull of the day, when I will assemble a multitude of all Nations that have disobeyed my Commandments, to give accompt of their actions: I will say unto them, ye have traduced my Prophets, ye know not what ye said, what have ye done? Then shall they be punished for their sinnes, and be inexcusable, they shall not speak a word. Do not Infidels see that we have created the night for rest, and the day for travell? this is a sign of my omnipotency; Be thou mindfull of the day wherein the Angel shall sound the Trumpet, and whatsoever is in Heaven and Earth, shall tremble with fear, except such as shall be in the favour of God; that day shalt thou see the Mountains suspended, to move like the Clouds; this shall be a work of God, who created all things; and knoweth their end; He that shall have done good works, shall be rewarded, he shall be without fear; and they that had done evill, shall remain in the fire of Hell; it shall be said unto them, are ye not chastised according to your demerits? Say unto the people, I command you to worship the Lord of this priviledged * City, all things appertain to him; I command you to believe in the unity of his divine Majesty, and to study the Alcoran; who so doth good, shall finde good. Say unto them that shall be seduced, I am sent only to preach the torments of Hell: say to True-believers, praysed be God that hath given you to see his Miracles, and hath given you knowledg of the right way; thy Lord is not ignorant of what they do.
* Mecca.
See Gelaldin.