Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Law of God. Then she said, Lord, I am too blame, in having offended thee; I am obedient with Solomon, to the Commandments of the God of the Universe. We sent Salhe to Temod, and his people, to exhort them to worship one God: He said unto them, O people! flie to the mercy of God; if ye implore pardon of him, ye shall be pardoned. They said, Wouldst thou draw us into thine error? and into the error of them that are with thee? He said, God shall chastise you, ye are seditious. They were nine persons in the City that defiled the earth, and did no good; they said among them, Let us this night kill the Prophet, and his adherents: We will say to them that seek him, That we saw him not, neither them that slew him; and will swear that we speak truth: They were cunning, but we were more subtile then they, and they knew it not. Consider what was the issue of their stratagems; we destroyed them with their followers; and their houses are become desart, because of their impiety. This shall serve for example to them that have knowledg of our Omnipotency: We served the Prophet, and all the True-believers that were with him. Remember thou the History of Lot, who said to his Citizens, Will ye alway defile your selves in uncleanness, in each others view? Will ye love men more than women? Ye are ignorant. They replyed, Let us drive Lot and his family out of our City; they defile not themselves like us. We preserved him, with all his family, except his wife; she remained among them that were chastised. We caused it to rain upon them, a rain that gave them to know the severity of our chastisements. Say unto them, Praised be God, that destroyeth the wicked, and salvation to all those who he hath chosen; are they not more happy, than such as believe there are many Gods? Who created the Heavens and the Earth? Who caused rain to fall from Heaven? Who hath made many delicious gardens to bring forth? You have not the power to cause the plants to spring forth, without the assistance of God. Certainly unbelievers do erre from the right way. Who hath established the Earth, and made the rivers to flow? Who hath made heavy the Mountains? Who but God hath put separation