Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
answered, Our welfare and misery depend on thee, command whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and we will obey thee. She said, When Kings enter a City, they introduce many disorders; they abase, and humble the chief of the Inhabitants, and the most eminent; if Solomon and his people come hither, they will use [us] in the like manner. I think it requisite to send to him an Ambassador with some presents, perhaps he will take a resolution to return. When the Ambassador arrived in Solomons presence, he said unto him, Do ye bring me presents? God hath bestowed on me more riches then on you, presents rejoyce you, because ye love them: Return to them that sent you, I will go visit them with forces so great, that they shall not be able to resist; I will drive them out of their dominions, and they shall be miserable, if they obey me not: Then he said to his people, Sirs, who will bring to me the Royal Seat of that woman, before she and her subjects obey me? One of the Devils said unto him, I, I will bring it before thou arise from thy place: I am strong enough to bear it, I will carry it carefully. One of them that attended Solomon, who knew the Scriptures, said, I will bring it to thee in the twinkling of an eye: When Solomon beheld this Throne before him, he said, Behold here a favor of God, to try if I would acknowledg his benefits. He that returneth thanks to God for his graces, performeth his duty; he rejecteth him that is ingrateful. I will try if she followeth the right way, or whether she be in the number of the seduced. They changed something in her Royal seat, to try if she would know it, when she arrived in Solomons presence. At her arrival, they shewed it her, and asked if it resembled her own; she replyed, It resembleth it, as if it were the same: She had knowledg of the right way; but that which the people, and she adored, instead of God, had seduced them from the obedience of his divine Majesty. They spake to her to enter into a gallery; when she beheld the pavement, she believed it to be water; and in lifting up her robe, fearing to wet it, discovered her Leg. Solomon told her, that the pavement was of pollished glass, and exhorted her to embrace the Law
Gelaldin faith he knew the name of God.
This Queen was called Balkis.
See Gelaldin.