Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
and said to the people, we understand the Language of birds, we know whatsoever can be known, it is an exceeding great grace. Solomons Army being one day assembled before him, composed of men, Devils, and birds, he lead them to the valley of Pismires; a Pismire their Queen, cryed out, Oh Pismires! enter into your houses, least Solomon and his troups trample you under foot, without knowledge of it. Solomon hearing these words, remained some time without speaking, and in the end began to laugh, saying, Lord assist me, that I may give thee thanks for the benefits and graces which thou didst conferre upon my father; If I do well, thou wilt accept it, place me through thy mercy in number of them that exalt thy glory; he called for the * Whoope, and said, wherefore see I not the Whoope? is she in the number of the absent? I will punish and put her to death, if she have not a lawfull excuse; not long after, she humbled her selfe before Solomon, who asked her whence she came? she answered, I come from seeing what thou seest not, I come from the Kingdome of Saba, whence I bring certain tidings; I have found a woman, their Queen, who hath whatsoever is necessary for a King; she hath a great and magnificent. Throne, I have found that she with her Subjects adore the Sunne, the Devill caused them to delight in this their action, he hath seduced them from the right way, and they shall be in error untill they worship one God, who sendeth rain from Heaven, and maketh the Earth to produce plants and fruits, who knoweth whatsoever is in the hearts of men, and what they utter; God! There is but one God, Lord of the Universe. Solomon said, I shall soone see if thou speak truth, or whother thou be in the number of the lyars; goe, bear to her this letter, and observe what she and her people shall answer; At her arrivall, the Queen said to her Ministers, Oh ye that are raised to dignity in my dominions! a Letter is given me from Solomon, of this tenour. In the name of God gracious and mercifull, rise not up against me, and obey me. Give me counsel, what I ought to do, I will do nothing without your advice, and what you see not with your eyes: They answered,
* A Bird so called.