Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of the Pismire, containing fourescore and thirteen Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. God is most pure, he understandeth all. These mysteries are the mysteries of the Alcoran, which distinguisheth the truth from a lye; it conducteth men into the right way, and proclaimeth the joyes of Paradise to such as believe in the Law of God, who make their prayers at the time appointed, pay Tithes, and have knowledg of their end. They that believe not in the day of Judgment, like well of what they do, and are in confusion, they shall in the end be in the number of the damned. The Alcoran was conveyed to thee from the most prudent, that knoweth all things. Remember thou that Moses said to his family, I see a fire, I goe to it, I will bring you tydings, I will bring you a sparke, peradventure you shall be warmed; when he drew near to the fire, he heard a voyce that said to him, oh Moses! that which is in this fire, and whatsoever is about it, is blessed; praise is due to God, Lord of the Universe; I am God omnipotent, and eternall; Cast thy staffe on the ground: When Moses beheld his staffe to move, as it had been alive, he went back very sorrowfull, and returned no more; Fear not that staffe, my messenger and my Prophets have no fear in my presence; he that shall be converted, shall finde me gracious and mercifull. Put thine hand into thy pocket, it shall come forth white, without harme, it shall be one of the nine marks of my omnipotency. Pharoah, and his Ministers were altogether erroneous; when they saw my Miracles, they said that they were but sorcery; they despised them, and encreased their impiety; Consider what is the end of the wicked, and how they have been destroyed? We gave knowledg to David and to Solomon; they said, God hath gratified us above many of his servants that have believed in his omnipotency; Solomon was Davids heire, and