Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
and say, Lord, give us and our posterity children, that may be the light of our eyes, and be obedient to thee; work in us a fear to disobey thy Commandments; such persons shall enjoy eternally the delights of Paradise, for reward of their perseverance; they shall there finde salutations, and benedictions, with immense graces. Say unto the wicked, God will not enlighten you, neither hearken to your prayers, because ye have traduced his Prophet; the time of the punishment of your crimes shall suddenly arrive.
The Chapter of Poets, containing an hundred and twenty seven Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful: God is most pure, he understandeth all things, he is most wise. These signs are the signs of the book that distinguisheth truth from falshood; wilt thou destroy thy self, because men are impious? If I will, I can cause my judgments to descend upon them, that shall humble them, they despise my Commandments; they scoffe, but shall be rigorously punished; See they not how many fruits we have made to spring out of the earth? It is a token of our omnipotencie, nevertheless the greatest part of them believe not that thy Lord is the omnipotent, and the merciful. Instruct them how thy Lord said unto Moses, thou shalt be my messenger to the Infidels, and the people of Pharoah, that they may have my fear before their eyes. Moses said, Lord, I fear they may traduce me, and that my tongue cannot be loosed; send with me my brother Aaron, they know the fault I have committed, and will put me to death. The Lord said to him, they shall not put thee to death, go both whither I command you, I will be with you, and will hear what they say; say to Pharoah, that ye are the Messengers of the Lord of the world, and let him dismiss with you the children of Israel; Pharoah said unto Moses, have I not seen thee within this house a little childe? Didst thou not dwell with us many years? Didst thou not kill a man? thou
Moses flew an Egyptian.