Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
thou art impious. Moses said, I did what I did, I was in the number of the seduced, I fled when I feared you; since that time God hath given me knowledg, and placed me in the number of his Prophets and Apostles, he hath sent me his grace, to set before thee the evill that thou dost commit; in causing thy self to be adored of the children of Israel; Pharoah said unto him, who is that God of the world? He answered, it is the Lord of heaven and earth, and of whatsoever is between them. Pharoah said to them that were about him, Hear ye not what he saith? Moses continued his [speech] and said, my Lord is your God, the God of your fathers, and of your predecessors. Pharoah said, this Prophet that is sent to you is a fool; Moses said, I am indeed the Messenger of the Lord of the West and East, if ye had understanding to know him: Pharoah said, if thou worship any other God but me, I will cause thee to be put unto the bottom of a pit; Moses said to him, wilt thou do it, seeing I am come to thee with reasons so strong, and arguments so infallible? Pharaoh said unto him, bring thy reasons if thou art true: Then he cast his staffe on the ground, and it was changed into a Serpent; he drew his hand out of his bosom, it appeared white, and shining to the eyes of the spectators. Then said Pharoah to them that were about him, certainly, behold here a skilful Magician, he would drive you from your Countrey through his Magick, what say ye? They answered, he, with his brother, must be terrified, and men must be sent into all thy Cities, to assemble the most knowing Magicians of all thy Dominions; when they came together at the day appointed, it was demanded of them, if they were called to follow the magick of Moses, and of Aaron? They said, what shall be our reward if we be victorious? Pharoah said unto them, yes, ye shall be rewarded, and be among them that approach my person. Moses said unto them, will you cast your staves on the ground, or shall I first cast mine? They cast their cords and their staves first, saying, with the assistance of Pharoah we shall be victorious; then Moses cast his Rod on the ground, which devoured their cords and staves; when they beheld this miracle, they fell prostrate, and