Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
they shall dwell eternally with all manner of felicity; This is it that God hath promised, and that which was impetrated of his Divine Majesty, (for them that have his fear before their eyes) I will one day assemble Idolaters, with their Idols; God shall say unto them, you are they who have seduced my creatures from the right way; they shall say, praised be thy name; we ought to have worshipped none but thy divine Majesty; but the wealth that thou gavest to our Magistrates, and their life, which thou didst prolong, caused them to forget thy Commandments; they were pernicious men, in that they abjured thy Law, they cannot this day be exempt from the punishment of our crimes, neither protect us against thy wrath. The Idolaters shall be rigorously punished; the Prophets that we sent before thee, did eat bread and meat, and walked through the streets; we prove them one after another: Persevere, God beholdeth them that are patient. Those that believe not in the Resurrection, have said, The Angels are not descended from Heaven, we have not seen God; they are become proud, and are fallen into an exceeding great error, but the wicked shall one day be without comfort; when they see the Angels, they shall cry, help, help! We will set before their eyes all the sins that they have committed; the good works which they shall think to have done, shall be like to dust, which the winde carryeth away; and the blessed shall enjoy a most certaine good, they shall hear of nothing but what contenteth them. When the Heaven and the aire shall divide themselves, and the Angels shall descend, then shall the truth appear, and the mercifull shall raign; that day shall be tedious to Infidels, they shall bite their fingers, and say, would to God I had followed the Prophet and his Apostle! Oh misery! would to God I had not contracted amity with such an Infidel, he seduced me from the right way, he hindred me to believe in the Alcoran which God sent; certainly the Devil hath tempted men; Then shall the Prophet say, Lord, such as have followed me, have obeyed what is written in the Alcoran, and the Infidels have rejected it. We have appointed an enemy among the wicked,