Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
that he ordaineth. It is ordained to your children, when they shall be at age of discretion, to demand of you permission to do what they shall desire, as did your predecessors: Thus doth God teach you his Commandments; he is gracious and merciful. The old and decrepit women shall not offend God, to quit their vails, and discover their faces; provided it be without vanity, and design to shew their ornaments: If they abstain, they shall do well, God heareth whatsoever ye say, and knoweth all that is in your hearts. The blinde, the lame, the sick, and you also, shall not sin, to eat in the house of your children; at the house of your father and mother, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends; and in the house of your servants; ye shall not offend God, if ye eat together, or apart. When ye shall enter into any house, salute each other from God, with blessing and affection. Thus doth God teach you his Commandments, peradventure you will learn them. When those that believed in God, and his Prophet, repaired to the Prophet, they retired not without his permission. Such as required leave (to depart) believe in God, and his Prophet; if they require leave of thee for any business, licence whom shall seem good to thee, and pray to God for them; he is gracious and merciful. Call not the Prophet, as ye call one another among you: God knoweth such as shamefully depart out of the Temple, and the Trench. Such as disobey his Commandments, ought to take heed, lest some mischief befal them, and that they suffer not great torments: Whatsoever is in the Heavens, or on Earth, is Gods; he knoweth if ye are zealous in your faith, or be hypocrites; he knoweth the day wherein all the world shall be assembled before him [to be judged.] In that day shall men see what they have done; he knoweth all things.
See Kitab el tenoir.
See Kitab el tenoir.
See Gelaldin.