Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
thus subjected it, That ye may exalt it, and give him thanks for having guided you into the right way. Proclaim to the righteous, That God will remove far from them the malice of the wicked; he abhorreth Traytors, and the ingrateful: Declare to such as fight against Infidels, to repair the injury they have done them; that God is sufficiently powerful to protect them. When they were driven from their houses without reason; they said, God is our Lord; Had not God stirred up the people against each other, the Covents of the Religious, the Churches of the Christians, the Synagogues of the Jews, and the Temples of the Believers, had been ruined, (through the multitude of the wicked, and their malice.) The name of God is exalted in the Temples of believers, and therein is his Law defended and protected. God is most strong; he hath all power over his people. Those whom God hath established on Earth, with victory over their enemies, make their prayers in the manner ordained; pay Tithes, and enjoyn to do what is honest and civil; forbid to do what is prohibited of God, who knoweth the end of all things. If the Infidels traduce thee, their predecessors traduced Noah, Aad, Chaib, Abraham, and Lot, they also slandered Moses: God for a time deferred their punishment, but in the end most severely chastised them. How many Cities have we destroyed, because of their impiety? We have overthrown, and made them desart, through the death of their inhabitants. Shall those of Mecca walk for ever upon Earth, with an hard heart, without reflecting upon what hath heretofore befaln the Infidels? Their eyes are not blinde, but their hearts are blinde, and hardned: They will require thee to cause the wicked to be speedily chastised; God will not go against what he hath promised: One day before thy Lord, is as a thousand years before men. How often hath the punishments of impious Cities been deferred, that in the end were destroyed? The whole world shall one day be assembled before me, to be recompenced after their merits. Say unto them, O people! I preach unto you publikely the torments of Hell; such as shall believe, and do good works, shall receive pardon of their sins, and a precious treasure; they
See Gelaldin.