Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
severely punished. Remember, that we shewed to Abraham the place to build the Temple of Mecca; that we commanded him to adore me alone, and to purge my Temple from Idols, for the satisfaction of them that should there make processions. Men shall come thither to visit thee from all parts, on foot, and on horse-back; they shall receive profit, they shall there make their prayers at the times appointed, and the days nominated; they shall thank the Lord for his benefits towards them, and the riches which he hath given them; and shall make likewise processions at the old Temple. He that shall reverence it, shall do exceeding well, and shall be recompenced of his Lord. It is lawful for you to eat of all clean Beasts, except of such as have been heretofore prohibited: Depart from the pollution of Idols; beware of bearing false witness, and be obedient to God. He that saith, God hath a Companion, is like to him that fell head-long from Heaven, whom the Birds devoured, and the wind cast into a remote place, full of miseries. He that shall reverence the signs of the power of God, will not doubt of his Law, and shall be rewarded for his good works at the time appointed, if he visit the old Temple of Mecca. We have given to all Nations of the world a law to offer their Sacrifices, and to return thanks to their Lord, for having given them advantage above all sorts of Beasts. Your God is one God, obey his Commandments, proclaim a great reward to them that are obedient to him, to them that tremble with fear, when they hear mention of his name; that are patient in their adversity, that pray at the time appointed, and dispence in alms some part of the wealth that we have given them. We have created the female Camel for a sign of our unity, she shall be profitable to you in this world. Remember to pronounce the name of God, when ye shall sacrifice her, standing on her feet; when she shall fall dead on the ground, eat of her flesh, if it like you, and give to eat to such as shall require it. We have made her subject to you; peradventure ye will be thankful to me for this grace. God promoteth before him, neither the flesh of this Beast, nor the blood, but onely the good works that ye perform. He hath thus
The Pilgrims Sacrifice a Cammel at Mecca