Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
because of your blasphemies; whatsoever is in Heaven and Earth, is Gods; the Angels are not ashamed to worship him, they prayse him day and night, and exalt his glory without blasphemie. The Infidels worship Gods made of Earth; Have they power to create any thing? Were there in Heaven, and on Earth another God, they would not accord; praised be God, Lord of the Universe, what the Infidels relate, is untrue. He asketh no counsell when he will do any thing, as do men; will they worship any other God but him? Say unto them, produce your arguments, behold what we have to speak unto you, behold our reasons, and those of our predecessors; Certainly, the greatest part of them are ignorant of the truth, and goe astray. We inspired into all the Prophets which we sent, that there was but one God that ought to be worshipped. They said, believe yee that the Angels are the sonnes of God? Praysed be God; on the contrary, they are his creatures, he loveth them, they speak not but after him, and obey what he commandeth them, he knoweth all their actions past, and future; they pray for no man but through his permission, and fear to displease him. Who among them will say I am God, instead of God? He shall be cast headlong into the fire of Hell; thus do I intreat unbelievers. Know they not that the Heavens and the Earth was shut up? We opened them, and gave life to every thing, through the raine which we made to descend; will they not believe in my unity? We created the Mountains to hinder the Earth to move, we made therein waves large and spacious for our Creatures, we covered it with the Heaven, and have exempted it from falling, neverthelesse they depise our Commandments. It is the Lord who created day and night, the Moon and the Sunne, all things praise and exalt him in Heaven; we created no person to dwell for ever on Earth; all men shall taste of death, I will prove you with good and evill, and ye shall appear before me to give account of your actions: The Infidels scoffe at you, when they see you, and say, behold them that deride our Gods! They obey not the Commandments of God; he created man of dust, and shall shew you the effects