Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
effects of his omnipotency; be not impatient to see the punishment of the wicked, who say, when shall be the way of Judgment? did they know it, they would remove the fire from their backs and visages; that day shall surprize them, it shall astonish them when they think least of it; they cannot retard it, and shall be deprived of protection. Certainly, they scorned the Prophets that were sent before thee, but they were punished after their demerits. Say unto them, who but the mercifull [God] preserveth you day and night? nevertheless ye reject his Commandments; Have they any other God but me, that is able to save them? Their gods cannot defend themselves: I will not protect them, yet will I enrich them, as I enriched their fathers, and will prolong their life, to punish them on Earth; Know they not that their estates diminish on all sides through thy Conquests? Is it so, that they are victorious? Say unto them, I preach to you what God hath inspired into me, but the deaf hear not when they are exhorted; When they are a little touched with the chastisements of God, they say, oh misery! We are too blame, and are unjust; I will weigh their works at the day of Judgment, that I may do injustice to no person, of the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, and will most exactly accompt. We gave to Moses and Aaron the Book that distinguisheth good from evill, and commanded them to preach our Commandments to them that had our fear before their eyes. That Book is blessed, and was sent from us; nevertheless, unbelievers reject and condemne it. We heretofore instructed Abraham in the right way, and knew that he was a righteous man. Remember thou that he said to his father, and his people, what Idols do ye adore? They said, We finde that our Fathers adored them; he said unto them, your fathers and you were exceedingly erroneous: they said, dost thou speak the truth, or dost thou jeast? He said, Certainly your Lord is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, I swear to you that he created them; Having convinced those Idolaters, he said, By God, I will make warre upon your Idols, he broke them with an hatchet in their absence, except the greatest Idoll, on which he hung his