Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
we gave the Psalter to David; Say unto the Infidels, invoke the Idols which you adore, and see if they are of power to deliver you from affliction. They that implore God, desire to be nigh unto him: who are they that shall nearest approach his divine Majestie, they who hope in his mercy, or such as fear his punishment? Certainly his punishment ought most to be feared. We will destroy all the Cities of the world before the day of Judgment, and chastise the wicked with rigorous torments; this is written upon the Tables kept in heaven; nothing hath hindred us to manifest the miracles which the inhabitants of Mecca desire to see, but the contempt shewed by their predecessors. Temod saw the miracles of the Camell, and contemned it; I will no more shew miracles, but to make the people to apprehend the torments of hell. Remember thou, that we have said to thee, that thy Lord knoweth all that the world doth; that which we gave thee to see (in the voyage by night) is to prove the people as the cursed tree, which is spoken of in the Alcoran; there be persons that will believe it, others that will not believe; but I will try them, to augment their confusion: Remember thou, that we commanded the Angels to humble themselves before Adam, and that they did humble themselves, except the devill; who said, shall I adore him whom thou hast created of the earth? who is he whom thou hast preferred to me? Certainly, if thou tarry until the day of Judgment, I will destroy his race, except that small number that shall be under thy protection. Thy Lord said unto him, get thee hence, hell shall be thy punishment, and the punishment of them that shall follow thee; deceive by thy speeches them whom thou shalt be able to deceive, seduce whom thou canst seduce with the wealth of the earth, cause them to exercise Usury, and commit the sin of whoredom; tell them, there is neither Resurrection nor Judgment; whatsoever thou shalt promise them shall be but vanity and falshood; thou shalt have no power over them that shall worship me, I will protect them against thee. It is your Lord, who causeth the ship to travell upon the waters, for the advantage of traffique; when the tempest chargeth you, your Idols forsake
See Gelaldin.