Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
sake you, he alone is able to protect you, nevertheless when he hath caused you to arrive at the Port, you deny his Unity, and follow your impiety; believe ye that he will another time make the sea calm to you? and that he will send you a favorable winde, if ye do not acknowledge him your protector? Believe you to return again to the sea? He shall send you an impetuous winde, that shall overwhelm you, with your impietie, and ye shall finde none to protect you against him. We have conferred on men many favours, we have conducted them on the earth, and sea, enriched with all sorts of riches, and gratified them above all creatures of the earth; preach to them the day wherein I will assemble before me all the Nations of the world, with the Prophet that shall have preached to them. He to whom shall be given the Book of the Accompt of his works in his right hand, shall read his accompt entirely, no injustice shall be done to him, and he shall be happy. He that shall be blinde in this world, shall be so in the other, and shall not see the right way. They would divert thee from performing what we have inspired into thee, to induce thee to blaspheme against me. If thou do it, thou shalt be of their friends; were it not for the strength that we have given thee, they would make thee to incline to their impiety; hadst thou done it, we had given thee to taste of great afflictions in this world, and in the other; thou hadst found none to protect thee against us; it wanted not much, but they had affrighted thee at Medina, to cause thee to go out of it; had they driven thee thence, they had not continued there long after thee. We heretofore sent our Prophets to instruct the people in our Law, thou shalt finde therein nothing to change; make thy prayers when the Sun shall set, at the beginning, and at the end of the night, and at the dawning of day, the Angels shall be witnesses of thine orisons; spend one part of the night in prayer, this shall be an augmentation of merit, thy Lord shall establish thee in the place of his glory: Say, Lord, into whatsoever place I go, make me to enter, and go forth with truth, give me th Protection; Say, that truth is come, and that vanity is vanished; this Book shall heal the people of their error, it shall bring them
See Gelaldin.