Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
accompt of the sins ye have committed, in seeing, hearing, and thinking. Be not proud, ye shall never be so long as the Earth, neither so high as the Mountains; such sins are exceeding great before thy Lord: It is one part of what he hath inspired into thee, to preach to his people: Say not, there be two Gods, lest thou be confined to the fire of Hell. Your Lord hath elected you, with all those men and women that obey his Commandments, for his sons and daughters, as the Angels; yet say not that God hath children. We made mention in the Alcoran of whatsoever is necessary to be preached to the people; say unto them, If there be a God with God, as ye affirm, invoke him that hath his Throne in Heaven; praised be God, he hath no Companion, he is most high and great. The seven Heavens praise him, and all that is on Earth glorifie him, but ye comprehend it not, he is gracious and merciful. We will separate thee from the wicked; we will harden their hearts, and stop their ears: When thou shalt read the Alcoran, and say, There is but one God, they will turn the back, and deride thee, I know what they desire to hear, they would have the people to hearken to the words of the unjust, who say, That thou art a Sorcerer, and a Magician; consider to whom they compare thee; they certainly are in error, and are not able to finde the right way. What! we are (say they) bones and flesh, shall we rise again, and become new Creatures? Who shall cause us to rise again? Say unto them, Although ye be stone, iron, bones, and flesh, he who first created you, shall raise you again. They shall shake the head at thee, and ask of thee, In what time they shall rise again? say unto them, Peradventure it shall be suddenly. When ye shall be called out of the graves by the Commandment of God, ye will believe that ye have remained but very little time in the world; then shall the Infidels confess, that the Devil hath deceived them, and that he is their open enemy. Your Lord knoweth you all, he will pardon, or chastise you, as seemeth good to him: We have not sent thee to be their guardian; thy Lord knoweth whatsoever is in Heaven and in Earth. Certainly, we gave graces to some Prophets, which we gave not to others; and we