Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
gave him wealth in this world, and placed him in the other, in the number of the blessed. We have inspired thee to follow the Law of Abraham, he professed the unity of God, and adored not Idols, he established the Sabbath among the Jews, of which they dispute; God shall judge their difference at the day of Judgment. Call the people to the Law of God with prudence, and preachings, and dispute against them with good arguments, God knoweth them that depart from the right way; if they evilly intreat you, intreat them as they shall intreat you; if ye be patient, patience is advantagious to them that take it willingly, have patience for the love of God, and afflict not your selves with the deportments and malice of the wicked. God is with the righteous, who have his fear before their eyes.
The Chapter of the Voyage by Night, containing an hundred and eleven Verses, written at Mecca.
Reader, The Turks believe that this night of the Voyage Mahomet ascended into Heaven with the Angel Gabriel: he was mounted on a white Burac, which is a beast partly Mule, partly Asse, and partly Horse. He saw all the Prophets that preceded him, all the wonders of Paradise, and saw God, who sate on his Throne. See Kitab el tenoir, Tesfiir anf Giauhoir, and the exposition of Gelaldin. The Bedaoi intituleth this Chapter, The Chapter of the Children of Israel.
IN the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. Praise be to him, that caused his servant to go in one night from the Temple of Mecca, to the Temple of Jerusalem; we have blessed that Temple, and whatsoever is about it, in token of our omnipotency. We gave to Moses the Old Testament, to instruct the Children of Israel, and to deterre them from the worship