Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
full of instruction and eloquence. They who will not believe in God, shall suffer great torments; such as renounce his Commandments, blaspheme against his divine Majesty; those that reject his Law, after having professed it, shall feel the effect of his wrath, and be punished for preferring the wealth of the earth to the riches of Heaven; God guideth not unbelievers. They in whose hearts he hath imprinted disobedience, those whom he hath deprived of hearing, and sight, are ignorant, they doubtlesse shall be at the end of the world in the number of the damned; he is mercifull to them that convert, and repent to have mislead the people from the right way, and persevere in obedience to his Commandments. Be thou mindfull of the day, wherein man shall dispute against himselfe, and every one shall be rewarded according to his works without injustice. God teacheth you a Parable; Behold a free and priviledged City, on the which God poureth his graces on all sides with abundance, and is ingrateful for his benefits; but he sent upon it misery, famine, and fear, because of its ingratitude. God hath sent to the Inhabitants thereof a Prophet of their Nation, they have slandered him, and were chastised, because of their sinne. Eate of what God hath given you, and give him thanks for his grace; if it be he whom ye worship, he forbideth you to eat of Carrion, of Bloud, and Swines-flesh, and whatsoever is not slaine in pronouncing the name of God; he will be gracious and merciful to them who shall eat through necessity, without designe to offend him. Lye not, in saying, Behold that which is permitted to be eaten! blaspheme not against God; such as blaspheme against him, shall not prosper in this world, and in the other shall suffer grievous torments. We did heretofore prohibit the Jews to eat of what we have recounted to thee; we did to them no injustice, they drew mischief on themselves through their sinne; thy Lord is gracious and mercifull to them that ignorantly offend him, who convert, and do good works. Abraham was obedient to God, and professed his unity, he adored not Idols, and gave thanks to God for his mercies; God elected, and guided him into the right way, he gave