Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Infidels, they shall be eternally tormented in the fire of Hell. Who knoweth, that the truth contained in this Book, was not sent to thee from God? He that doubteth is blinde; men of Spirit do not doubt. They who satisfie what they promise to God, who transgress not his Commandments, who have his fear before their eyes, who apprehend the day of judgment, who are patient in their afflictions for love of his divine Majesty, who make their prayers at the time appointed, who give alms privately and publikely, and blot out their offences with good works, shall be blessed. They shall enter into the Garden of Eden with their father, their wives, and families; the Angels shall visit them, shall salute them, and say, Behold the recompence of your perseverance, behold eternal grace. Such as shall swarve from their promise, and disobey the Commandments of God, and pollute the Earth, shall be accursed of God, and severely chastised; he giveth, and depriveth of wealth, as seemeth good to him. The unbelievers rejoyce in the riches of the earth; but those riches are of little value, if they consider them of the other world. They say, If Mahomet doth not make some miracle to appear from God, we will not believe him. Say unto them, God guideth, and mis-leadeth whom it pleaseth him; he confirmeth the hearts of them that have faith in his Law; the Remembrance of God confirmeth the hearts of True believers: Such as shall do good works, shall be happy. We have sent thee, as we did send other Prophets, to them that preceded thee. Teach the people what we have inspired into thee: When they shall disobey thee, say unto them, God is my Lord, there is but one God alone, I am wholly resigned to his divine will; my refuge is in his goodness. If the Alcoran should make Mountains to go, should it cause the Earth to open, and the dead to arise, all would proceed from God. True-believers ought not to dispair of any thing, God shall guide all the world into the right way when it shall please him; and unbelievers shall not escape the punishment of their crimes. Thou shalt dwell with them until the word of God be fulfilled: He swarveth not from what he promiseth; they derided the Prophets that came