Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
them the right way; nothing is hid from him in the world; he knoweth what women bear in their womb; he knoweth the time and period of every thing, the present, past, and future; he is great and omnipotent. He understandeth what you keep secret, and what ye make manifest; he knoweth where they be who cover themselves with the obscurity of night, and them that travel in the clearness of day; every one hath his guardian by his commandment, who observeth what he doth, and depriveth none of grace, that hath not offended his divine Majesty, and none can hinder him to punish whom it seemeth good to him. He it is, who giveth you to see the lightning which terrifieth men, and nourisheth his Creatures by the rain which he causeth to fall; he created the clouds charged with moysture, causeth thunder to make a noise, darteth the Thunder-bolt, and striketh whom it pleaseth him; the Angels tremble in his presence, yet do the wicked dispute his omnipotency. He it is who ought to be implored; the prayers of them who implore another God are ineffectual, they are like to such as are very thirsty, and stretch forth the hand towards a Fountain, to which they cannot reach; the prayers of the wicked are impiety: Whatsoever is in Heaven and in the Earth, the shadow of the morning, the obscurity of the evening humble themselves before God, through force or affection. Say unto them, Who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, but God? who, except God shall protect you? Your Idols can neither benefit, nor hurt you: Is the blind like unto him that seeth clearly? is darkness like unto light? shall they adore the Creatures instead of the Creator? God hath created all things, and is omnipotent; he causeth rain to descend from Heaven, and Rivers covered with Foam, to flow in the Valleys. The Gold, the Silver, and Metals which ye melt to adorn and enrich your selves, are like unto froth. Thus doth God teach what is profitable, and what unprofitable; froth suddenly vanisheth, and is of no utility to Men: So falshood vanisheth before truth. Thus doth God speak through a parable, to them that obey him, and giveth them Paradise. All the riches of the Earth, and as much again, cannot ransom the Infidels,