Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
thou shalt be in the number of the wretched. Those whom God will chastise, shall not believe in his divine Majesty, should they behold all the miracles of the world, until they see the torments of Hell. The faith is exceeding profitable to the Cities that have received it; when the Inhabitants of the City of Jonas embraced it, we delivered them from our punishment, we delivered them from ignominy, and enriched them, until the time appointed; if it pleased thy Lord, all the world should believe in him; wilt thou abhorre the people untill they believe in God? No man can embrace the faith without his permission, he sendeth his indignation against them that disobey his Commandments: Say unto them, Consider all that is in Heaven and Earth, miracles and preaching are of no use to such as will not believe; shall they expect what their Predecessors expected? Say unto them, expect, I will expect with you. I will deliver my Prophets, and the True-believers, from the torments of Hell, it is reasonable that I deliver them that obey my Commandments. Oh people! Who causeth you to doubt of the Law which I teach you? I will not worship the Idols that you adore, I worship one God alone, who shall cause you all to dye; I will embrace his Law, it commandeth to profess his Unity, I am not of them that say, he hath a companion equall to him. Adore not what can neither benefit nor hurt thee, if thou do it, thou shalt be in the number of the unjust. If God will afflict thee, none can deliver thee from affliction; if God will do good to thee, none can deprive thee of his grace, he hath given it to whom seemeth good to himselfe, he is gracious and merciful. Oh people! God teacheth you the truth; whosoever shall follow the right way, shall save his soule, and whosoever shall goe astray, shall destroy it. I am not your Tutor, I do but what is inspired into me; I have patience in my perseverance, I will expect the Judgment of God, there is no better Judge then he.