Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
on the ground; having cast down their cords and staves, Moses said to them, know ye none other thing but Magick? God shall render it vain, and unprofitable; he abhoreth such as defile the earth, he confirmeth the Truth through his Word, although it be against the will of the wicked. Few men believed in Moses, because of their fear to displease Pharaoh, and his Ministers. Pharaoh was powerfull on earth, and in the number of the wicked. Moses said, O people! if ye believe in God, resign your selves to his will; they answered, All our confidence is in God; Lord, do not thou abandon us to the malice of the unjust; deliver us through thy mercy from the hands of Infidels. We inspired Moses and his brother to dwell some time in Egypt with their people, and to make Oratories in their houses, therein to make their prayers, and preach to true believers. Lord, said Moses, thou hast enriched Pharaoh and his people in this world; they go astray from the way of thy Law; confound their riches, and harden your hearts, they will not believe untill they see thy judgments, and feel the effect of thy wrath; he said, I have heard the prayers of you both; be faithfull in your Embassie, and follow not the way of the ignorant. We gave passage through the sea to the children of Israel; Pharaoh pursued them with hatred and envy, until his people were drowned. Then said Pharaoh, I believe there is none other God, but the God of the children of Israel, and I wholly recommend my self to his Will. Thou dost now believe in God, O Pharaoh! and wert before disobedient to his Commandments, filling the earth with thy enormities, I have delivered thee from this perill, that thou maist be an example to posterity; for many among the people are ignorant of my omnipotency. We gave the Children of Israel to dwell in places full of delights; and enriched them with the good things of the Earth; they knew the differences that arose among them touching Religion, thy Lord shall judge them at the day of Judgment. If thou doubtest what we have taught thee, repair to them that have read the Scripture before thee; what thy Lord hath taught thee is most true; be not thou of them that doubt, neither of such as derogate from the Commandments of God, thou