Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
in earth appertaineth to him: They who worship Idols, follow but their opinion, and are lyars; God hath created the night for repose, and the day for labour; such as hear his Word, finde therein marks of his omnipotencie. They have said, do ye believe that God hath a Son? Praised be God, he is most rich, and hath no need of any person, he possesseth whatsoeever is in heaven, and earth; you have no reason in what ye alledge; will you speak of God what ye know not? God doth not aide in this world them that blaspheme against him, he shall cause them to feel after their death great torments, because of their impietie: Instruct them in the History of Noah, how he spake to his people, and said, O people! if my abode with you, and the preaching of the Commandments of God be irksom to you, know, that all my support is in God; assemble your Doctors, with your Idols, and conceal not what ye do; go whither you will, ye shall finde none to protect you; if ye contemne my instructions, I require not of you a reward for my pains; I desire to receive of none other than God the Omnipotent, and recommend my self to the will of his divine Majesty. They slandered Noah, then did we save him in the Arke, and them that were with him; we prolonged their posteritie on earth, and drowned the wicked; consider the end of such as heard the word of God, and contemned it. We sent to them other Prophets after Noah, they made them to see miracles, and gave them most salutary instructions; but they did not believe in what they had no will before to believe. Thus I harden the heart of the wicked. We after them, sent Moses to Pharaoh, and his Subjects, with our miracles, they arose against our Commandments, when the truth was preached to them, and said, it was but Magick and enchantment. Moses said to them, will you say that the Truth is Sorcery? God doth not assist Magicians and Sorcerers; they said, Art thou, with thy brother, come to divert us from the Religion of our Fathers, and to be esteemed on earth? We will believe in thy words. Then Pharaoh commanded to summon the most skilfull of his Magicians; they being assembled, Moses said to them, cast down what ye have a will to cast down on